Saturday, 14 January
8:00-9:00 Registration
9:00-10:30 Cultures and World-Building (James Buhler, Chair)
Kate Galloway, Digital Storytelling and the Spatiality and Sonic Cartography of Never Alone’s Indigenous Modernity
Danielle Wulf, Topical Compatibility and Expressive Meaning in Blizzard’s Overwatch and World of Warcraft
Rose Bridges, What is the 'Hoenn Sound'?: Rearranging Music as World-Building in the Pokémon Game Remakes
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-11:45 Immersion and the Gesamtkunstwerk (William Gibbons, Chair)
Kate Mancey, Warping Diegesis: The Evolving Role of the Soundtrack in Virtual Reality Gaming
Stefan Greenfield-Casas, The Operatic, the Cinematic, and the Ludic: Video Games as a neo-Gesamtkunstwerk
11:45-1:15 Lunch
1:15-2:30 Keynote: Penka Kouneva
2:30-2:45 Break
2:45-3:45 Creation, Composition, and Play I (Elizabeth Medina-Gray, Chair)
Mark Benis, Loops Within Loops: A Modular Approach to Mystery in Pokémon Red and Blue
Michael Austin, The History (and Future) of Automatic Mario Music Videos
3:45-4:00 Break
4:00-5:00 Creation, Composition, and Play II (Steven Reale, Chair)
Nathan Fleshner, The Ideas of Play and Game in Creative-Based Video Games
Mack Enns, Game Scoring: The Performance of Aleatoric Composition and FEZ (2012)
5:00 Adjourn
6:30 Banquet
Sunday, 15 January
9:00-10:30 Rhythm, Gameplay, and Mimesis (Elizabeth Medina-Gray, Chair)
Walton Alexander Lott, A Multimodal Interpretation of Mimesis in Video Game Sound
Jesse Kinne, Groove Mediates Ludo and Diegetic Temporalities in Heroes of Might and Magic
Ryan Thompson, Timing is Everything: Relationships Between Ludic and Musical Rhythm in Modern Video Games
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12:15 Nostalgia, Film, and Television (Karen M. Cook, Chair)
Pete Smucker, Appalachian Folk Music and the Supernatural: Tracing Social Encounters in Kentucky Route Zero
Reba Wissner, You Unlock This Game With The Key of Imagination: The Twilight Zone: The Game (2014), Musical Parody, and the Sound of Nostalgia
Matthew Neil, Sound Stone Memories: The Intersection of Music, Technology, and Nostalgia in EarthBound
12:15-2:00 Lunch
2:00-3:00 NES/Famicom Technology and Composition (Neil Lerner, Chair)
Kevin R. Burke, Pushing the Envelope: Distinct Sound Drivers for the Common Famicom (NES)
Alan Elkins, "Too Many (Or Not Enough?) Notes": Contrasting Approaches in Polyphony and Texture in Japanese and American Nintendo Games
3:00-3:15 Break
3:15-4:45 Terror, Madness, and Sadness (William Gibbons, Chair)
James Deaville, Game of Terror: Music/Sound and Videogame Aesthetics in ISIS Recruiting Videos
Dana M. Plank, Frightful Energy: Musical Madness in Final Fantasy VI
Karen M. Cook, Narrative, Sound, and Resolution in The Whispered World
8:00-9:00 Registration
9:00-10:30 Cultures and World-Building (James Buhler, Chair)
Kate Galloway, Digital Storytelling and the Spatiality and Sonic Cartography of Never Alone’s Indigenous Modernity
Danielle Wulf, Topical Compatibility and Expressive Meaning in Blizzard’s Overwatch and World of Warcraft
Rose Bridges, What is the 'Hoenn Sound'?: Rearranging Music as World-Building in the Pokémon Game Remakes
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-11:45 Immersion and the Gesamtkunstwerk (William Gibbons, Chair)
Kate Mancey, Warping Diegesis: The Evolving Role of the Soundtrack in Virtual Reality Gaming
Stefan Greenfield-Casas, The Operatic, the Cinematic, and the Ludic: Video Games as a neo-Gesamtkunstwerk
11:45-1:15 Lunch
1:15-2:30 Keynote: Penka Kouneva
2:30-2:45 Break
2:45-3:45 Creation, Composition, and Play I (Elizabeth Medina-Gray, Chair)
Mark Benis, Loops Within Loops: A Modular Approach to Mystery in Pokémon Red and Blue
Michael Austin, The History (and Future) of Automatic Mario Music Videos
3:45-4:00 Break
4:00-5:00 Creation, Composition, and Play II (Steven Reale, Chair)
Nathan Fleshner, The Ideas of Play and Game in Creative-Based Video Games
Mack Enns, Game Scoring: The Performance of Aleatoric Composition and FEZ (2012)
5:00 Adjourn
6:30 Banquet
Sunday, 15 January
9:00-10:30 Rhythm, Gameplay, and Mimesis (Elizabeth Medina-Gray, Chair)
Walton Alexander Lott, A Multimodal Interpretation of Mimesis in Video Game Sound
Jesse Kinne, Groove Mediates Ludo and Diegetic Temporalities in Heroes of Might and Magic
Ryan Thompson, Timing is Everything: Relationships Between Ludic and Musical Rhythm in Modern Video Games
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12:15 Nostalgia, Film, and Television (Karen M. Cook, Chair)
Pete Smucker, Appalachian Folk Music and the Supernatural: Tracing Social Encounters in Kentucky Route Zero
Reba Wissner, You Unlock This Game With The Key of Imagination: The Twilight Zone: The Game (2014), Musical Parody, and the Sound of Nostalgia
Matthew Neil, Sound Stone Memories: The Intersection of Music, Technology, and Nostalgia in EarthBound
12:15-2:00 Lunch
2:00-3:00 NES/Famicom Technology and Composition (Neil Lerner, Chair)
Kevin R. Burke, Pushing the Envelope: Distinct Sound Drivers for the Common Famicom (NES)
Alan Elkins, "Too Many (Or Not Enough?) Notes": Contrasting Approaches in Polyphony and Texture in Japanese and American Nintendo Games
3:00-3:15 Break
3:15-4:45 Terror, Madness, and Sadness (William Gibbons, Chair)
James Deaville, Game of Terror: Music/Sound and Videogame Aesthetics in ISIS Recruiting Videos
Dana M. Plank, Frightful Energy: Musical Madness in Final Fantasy VI
Karen M. Cook, Narrative, Sound, and Resolution in The Whispered World